The Ark’s offices in Chicago and Northbrook are open. We look forward to welcoming you.

The ARK Remembers Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz, Z”L

We sadly note the passing of Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz. Rabbi Schwartz served as our primary posek in matters of Jewish law and ethics for over 30 years. He had a great love for The ARK and graced us as a speaker at several ARK events. We were very fortunate to have him as our guide and friend for all these years.

He fielded questions in every area with brilliance and kindness. Our Clinical Services Director, Mimi Seleski, presented him with very weighty and sensitive questions and always felt confident with his sage guidance. The ARK’s executive directors all had him on their speed dial. They sought out his guidance in management decisions, medical ethics, and priorities in allotting tzedaka resources, among other matters. He often instructed that The ARK, being a chesed organization, should always make decisions through the prism of kindness.

Our Client Services Director,  Dr. Victoria Hass, said he was the most brilliant, compassionate, and insightful man she had ever met.

May his memory be a blessing.